Last.FM Update collects bad marks: Actually we expected otherwise the pithy words of the last.FM executives and the end of the free streaming services. The initial evaluation of the last.FM iPhone offer (AppStore link) but SO poor would also surprised us.
At first glance it appears that the music provider just violently in his own foot shot and will lose most of the previously active iPhone users setting of free iOS Streamingangebotes. While the music community has offered a free radio service for iPhone users last.FM (radio that should play "music such as Moloko" could create with just two clicks), the English for the same service charge 3€ per month from their mobile customers. A price almost no one of existing iPhone users seems willing to pay.
Bug fixes and more speed in pudding camera: Our estimated and always like to chosen free now finally have applied their long-awaited maintenance release to version 1.2.3 photo Applikaiton which has pudding camera (AppStore link). Update requires the iOS 4.2.1, eliminates out many errors and performance problems and considerably accelerate image recording nearly 10 available camera filters. Still a download tip.

Business card sort and archive: The business card scanner ABBYY text recognition engine experts can today, cheaper than usual, for 1,59€ from the AppStore download 6,40€. ABBYY business card reader (AppStore link) can photographed business cards in 20 different languages recognize and tried after just ten seconds-text recognition to determine the automatic box (this is a name, this could be the title, which looks like a fax number etc. pp.) the captured data. OCR our practice impression: very good (maybe even one of the best business card scanner in the AppStore), the box, however, is a gamble. It should take no abfotografierten business cards without manual correction.

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