This title may initially sound provocative. Anyone who has ever tried to travel the path from overweight to normal weight is derived from his experience of faith, losing weight has to be associated with diet, coercion, stress and frustration. I want to try this guide to shake that belief.
I even say that it is this false belief, which prevents the normalization of the weight. Below I will explain what requirements are necessary in order to experience positive and successful weight loss.
First Prerequisite for weight loss: recognize the truth!
The secret of healthy weight loss is very simple - exercise more, eat less. This is the truth, even if you no longer can hear. Cosmetic Surgeon means, not that you need to accomplish from one day to the other athletic performance or to start drastic dieting.
The opposite is the case: Try to plan long term. Your body gets a slow change at best. This applies to both the diet and exercise for the body.
Second Prerequisite for weight loss: To renounce any diet!
Relevant journals are full of articles and relevant advertising. Even in pharmacy journals, we find this issue and suggestions for advertising the various diets. But if we consider the origin of the word diet, we find a very different definition for it.
As diet was understood before the totality of the circumstances or the lifestyle. So not only food intake but also the movement and the environment in which one lives. In this respect, the term would be "losing weight without dieting" is misleading. It is now not even lose weight without changes in lifestyle. But this need not be difficult.
Third Prerequisite for weight loss: Himself and his body time to leave!
Who wants to lose weight want to lose rapidly usually reach their desired weight and figure within 4 weeks, shortly before his vacation. Of course it is understandable that you prefer as soon as possible and then want to lose weight permanently. Unfortunately, you can reach only one of them.
This request will be taken up by the advertising strategists like the advertising of certain products. So many offers, including any promises on how to "quickly, easily, without effort," and to think about your own eating habits with no decrease can.
Despite numerous serious information those promises as untrustworthy and the advertised rate products as unfit, but are apparently purchased these products.
The devastating effect of the inevitable failures occurring is that the parties adopt after numerous attempts, its superiority is not now to be treated again, either because the genes of a disease or is it guilt. You finally have already tried everything. The question - whether everything has been tried - is justified. Ever really consistent diet was changed, i.e. the controlled amount of food, beverage enjoyed sparingly, increases the movement account?
4th Prerequisite for weight loss: From I want to I want!
At some point wants to lose weight or the overweight. But now there is a difference between desire and volition. I want to lose weight, means want. Otherwise, you might say yes, I would like to decrease. Is this introduction only quibble?
From the beginning there is the desire to finally reach your personal healthy weight. This desire to try to meet as soon as possible. Or is it not rather the case that one wants to fulfill that desire as quickly as possible? The desire has to do with a longing. So you can want something for themselves or for someone else. In principle, it is expected that the fulfillment of desire is without its own power.
You may have already tried once - with acupuncture or any other method - to get your weight problem under control. The reason that you are not successful, lies in the fact that you believed that the "consultant" would fulfill your request. That said, you did have the desire to reduce your weight, but just not the will.
We want to make no decision about your willpower. But like the smoker who wants to stop and it fails because its habits are preventing it from there are habits that prevent us from changing our behavior.
5th Prerequisite for weight loss: change habits!
The habit of pushing back the people in the old railway. Do you move enough? Or take the elevator? Fill your plate to the edge of habit? Eat straight from the refrigerator one or the other slice of sausage? When television began nibbling nuts and biscuits?
Note the following points if you want to change your habits:
Grasp the decision now: I change!
Replace instead of habit.
Increase your motivation.
Reward yourself
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of the old habits. Remind yourself why you want to change your habits.
No fear of relapse.
6th Prerequisite for weight loss: weight loss tips into action!
Surely you have read this guide about the various weight loss. On the Internet you can find plenty of advice. This gives you a wealth of information about different diets and plenty of advice.
Of course you also had the intention to implement these instructions. But if you had done it, you would have already reached your normal weight.
So it may not lie in knowledge, why do you still have not reached your personal ideal weight, or could hold. It is clearly because you do not implement this knowledge into practice.
To implement knowledge, it is necessary not only to consume information, but also think about it. Thus, this information is a part of your personal thoughts and you can form your own opinion. This then leads to the fact that you will implement the one tip or two as well.
7th Prerequisite for Weight Loss: Small Steps
How to get a tree in the oven? The logical answer: In small logs. What wisdom is hiding behind this issue?
We all have our little and big goals. Impatiently we want to achieve these goals as quickly as possible and then even this effort, without toil and own. To tackling the above question. It is difficult to succeed you probably get rid of your extra pounds in one fell swoop. Not even under great difficulty and effort.
We will not achieve our goals at once or rapidly. Yes, it may even be that after some time we think the effort, this goal is unattainable. The fact is that disasters occur suddenly and only in one step!
Break down your project into small steps, the larger your project, the more numerous the steps should be. Then you will be able to reach the target without great difficulty and effort and not give up halfway.
Good luck with losing weight!
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